Because removing full-on foundation, budge-proof mascara and long-lasting lip stain can be tricky business.
Here at TruSkin, we love makeup almost as much as we love skincare. Skincare is the true foundation to great skin – the clue is in the name, after all – but we also love to enhance ourretinol-infused, antioxidant-rich regime with a little foundation here and some waterproof mascara there. They’re like the backup singers to our skincare routine’s Taylor Swift, if you will.
Sometimes, however, despite your best efforts, removing your makeup at the end of the day can feel like a ridiculously tricky task. Because no matter how much face wash you use or how hard you scrub it into your skin (which, in itself, is a major no-no), it seems like you can never remove that last scrap.
Sounds familiar? Then you’re probably doing something wrong. Because, yes, there is absolutely a right and a wrong way to cleanse your skin of makeup and all the other surface debris that builds up on your skin throughout the day. The wrong way? Scrub your skin like your life depended on it. And the right way? Two words: double cleansing.
Below, we walk you through how to double cleanse like the pro we know you are (or, at least, could be).
Why Thorough Night Time Cleansing Is Crucial For Healthy Skin
Every day your skin spends the best part of 16 hours exposed to the world. You probably spent some time outside, maybe you went to the gym or popped to the supermarket. Heck, even if you simply sat at your desk all day, surface dirt will have built up on the surface of your skin during that time. Your skin will also have sweated and produced oils to help keep it moisturized. And even if you don’t wear a huge amount of makeup on the reg, you’ll have likely applied serum, face cream and SPF to your face and neck first thing in the morning.
No matter how you look at it, that’s a lot of ‘stuff’ for your skin to deal with on a regular basis. Of course it can and it does – every, single, day – but leave all this surface debris sitting on your skin throughout the night and you’re pushing it way past its limits, potentially clogging up your pores, causing congestion, dryness, dehydration and even accelerating the visible signs of aging.
The truth is, you have to thoroughly cleanse your skin before bed, every night, makeup or no makeup. And to truly cut through heavy makeup, the best way to do this is with some double cleansing.
What Is Double Cleansing?
Regular face wash alone doesn’t always cut it with heavy makeup because most makeup formulations are oil-based, meaning water-based cleansers aren’t up to the task. It’s like trying to wash greasy saucepans with tepid water and precious little else. Pretty useless.
Instead, to effectively break down oily products like makeup and sunscreen, your skin needs an oil-based cleanser. Oil dissolves oil. Simple as.
Once you’ve dissolved all the oily stuff, you then apply a water-based cleanser to further treat your skin and remove other, water-based surface debris like sweat and environmental pollutants.
And that's double cleansing in a nutshell. It's simply cleansing your skin twice.
How To Double Cleanse In Two Simple Steps
Step 1. Start Strong With An Oil-Based Cleanser
Wash your hands first – important stuff right there – then grab a cleansing oil or balm to melt away everything from creamy foundation to matte lipstick.
Using your hands and the pads of your fingers, massage your cleanser all over dry skin (yes dry, not damp) in gentle circular motions. It’s important not to rush, so spend a good minute or so really working the product into your skin, paying extra attention to often overlooked areas like around your hairline, around your nose, over your neck and in the corners of your eyes.
Once you’ve given your face and neck a good cleansing massage, rinse your skin with clean, lukewarm water. Hot water might feel good on your skin in the moment but it can strip it of natural oils and nutrients, leaving it feeling tight, dry, dehydrated and irritated. And that’s no fun for anyone. Lukewarm water is always the way to go.
Step 2. Finish With A Water-Based Cleanser
Next, follow up with a water-based cleanser to finish up the job and get rid of any leftover surface enemies. We have some fabulous formulations to choose from right here, depending on your skin type and concerns, but to really detoxify your skin and whisk away residue and impurities our go-to is Charcoal Clarifying Cleanser. This little gem contains coconut-derived activated charcoal which draws out dirt and decongests your pores. It also combines aloe vera, ylang ylang oil and reishi mushroom to keep your skin hydrated, protected, soft and strong. It’s the whiskers when it comes to clean, healthy skin.
Again, massage this into your skin for a good minute, but this time apply it while your skin is damp, then rinse and pat dry with a clean, cotton towel.
Beyond Cleansing: 3 Extra Tips for Makeup Lovers
1. Cleansing oils can work wonders on stubborn eye makeup but, oftentimes, a dedicated oil-based eye makeup remover is best. Saturate a cotton pad with your remover first, then hold it over your eye for a good 20 seconds before swiping it away. This gives the remover time to start dissolving your makeup which cuts down on any scrubbing you might be tempted to do.
2. Don’t forget to exfoliate. Exfoliation doesn’t replace cleansing but it’s a great addition to your routine once or twice a week, especially if you cleanse first, then exfoliate to boost turnover and really brighten up the surface of your skin. Just remember to always go gently and use a kind-to-skin formulation that won’t cause irritation. We love Vitamin C Gentle Face Scrub.
3. Invest in some gentle makeup wipes, but remember, they’re for emergencies only. Cleansing wipes are OK in a pinch and, sure, they’re better than nothing, but they should never replace proper cleansing. Also, they often contain chemicals, fragrance and harsh alcohols that can be tough on your delicate skin. And deep down, you know this. Use them only when you really have to.